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Thursday, 19 July 2012

Sleepless Jinki-ful night

Time right now is 12:42PG and I have too much Jinki thoughts in my head to go to sleep.
JINKI! There should be more people like Lee Jinki on this planet. No not this planet, somewhere close to where I live. I wish I were born Korean sometimes. Me and my family...with a just a Korean nationality while everything else remains the same( the food , our religion and everything) . Then maybe I would have already met the Jinki of my dreams.
내가 미쳤어요 !!
I've become helpless

Time now is 12:51 and I Shall go to sleep...in Jinki land!!

PS: the above is just me and my random brain having a nice time wondering about different things. I'm still very much sane.

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