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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Proverb Time!!

While watching Star Golden Bell...I came across some interesting proverbs.

  • Love and Coughs cannot be hidden.
  • As wheat ripens, it bows it's head. (Meaning wise people are humble)
  •  Cry as you eat mustard ( Used when you are forced to do something you don't prefer avoiding but pretends to enjoy it, anyway. English proverb for this is Grin and Bear it)
  • If you can't avoid it, enjoy it
  • Give the worst child another piece of ricecake
  • Tail wagging the dog
  • It does not matter how you go as long as you head towards Seoul ( The end justifies the means)
  • To teach a fish how to swim (to show off one's skill before an expert)
  • That which is bought cheap is the dearest
  • No news is good news
  • And yet, it still moves (famous quote by Galileo Galilei)
  • Frozen feet can be cured with urine (O_o) 
  • To comfort after causing pain
  • Drink cold water to wake up
  • If you stay still you'd at least go halfway
  • Boasting about your wife is foolish ( Onew answered boasting about your wife as his speciality :P)
  • Tall people usually tell lame jokes
  • When a woman becomes angry it will snow on May and June
  • Know yourself
    I can't come up with explanations for the rest... some are easy to figure out by yourself, without my explanation.

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